Donna Wilkes as Molly Angel title logo (red) Donna Wilkes as Angel
Rory Calhoun as Kit Carson Dick Shawn as Mae Susan Tyrrell as Solly Cliff Gorman as Lt. Andrews

Angel is a movie released in 1984 by New World Pictures. It tells the story of Molly Stewart, aka Angel, who attends school by day and works Hollywood Blvd by night until a serial killer who targets prostitutes upsets the delicate separation of her two lives. Its well-written family of oddball characters is both original and entertaining, making Angel a stand-out success.

Image of Donna Wilkes as Molly
Image of Steven M. Porter as Yoyo Charlie
Image of Hollywood Blvd
Image of Rory Calhoun as Kit Carson
Angel cast review
Image of Hollywood Blvd
Image of Angel promo photo
Image of DVD artwork

Disclosure: This site is not associated in any way with New World Pictures, its owners, its licensees, or any party that may have a financial interest in Angel or its sequels; the author just likes the movie. Original Angel image copyrights and any trademarks are the property of their owners.